Bodybuilding Soy Protein Powders

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Soy Protein Info - Protein Powders

Soy protein is extracted from the soybean plant. Soy protein may refer to different products – pure soy protein powder, soy protein concentrate and soy protein isolate.

The soy protein powder is used in many food products and nutritional supplement.

As a protein supplement, soy protein powders contain a mix of soy proteins and other ingredients to add sweetness, flavor, thickness, Vitamins and minerals.Health Benefits of Soy Protein Powders

Heart Disease?– Since soy protein and its health supplement counterpart are low in saturated fat and cholesterol, it reduces the risk of heart conditions.

Cancer ? – Studies have shown that adequate amounts of soy or soy protein supplement may reduce the risks of prostate and breast cancer, due to its ingredients with anti-cancer agents.

Women’s Health ? – Soy isoflavones may benefit menopausal women in easing the symptoms as well as maintaining strong and healthy bones – which could prevent osteoporosis.

Muscles ? – Soy protein powders are the best nutritional supplement for bodybuilders because they contain high protein ingredients that help in maintaining muscle mass.

Protein ?– Soy contains large amounts of protein (isolates 90% and concentrates 70%).

Soy isolates are most refined protein used in many nutritional supplement.

Vegetarians ? Since soy protein and its natural supplement are derived from plants, it contains no animal fat.

This kind of protein supplement is a great substitute for bodybuilders and athlete following a high-protein, low-carb diet.

Immune system – One of the major elements in soy protein powders is saponis.

There are many brands of soy protein supplement powders in the market.

Make sure to check the label and its contents before buying in nutritional online supplement shops and health stores.

This is because some people may get allergic reactions to soy products.

Although soy proteins are generally safe, several side effects of soy natural supplement powders were reported.

Some people sensitive to soy may experience flatulence and should avoid these nutritional supplement.

Soy isoflavones may reduce the thyroid functions of some people.

Other reports include goiter, sleepiness, constipation and malaise.

Some prescribed drugs and other weight lifting supplement may react negatively to soy protein powders.

Be sure to consult with your doctor before taking any protein supplement.


More Proteins Info
Micellar Casein Info Soy Protein Info
Whey Protein Info Whey Isolate Info  




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