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Abdominal Muscles- Body Building Articles

Everyone has great potential to get his or her abdominal muscles ripped. Washboard abs are visions to marvel at, at least in this day and place.

The three critical elements of your abdominal exercise are the intensity of muscular overload, progressive intensity from workout to workout and proper spacing of workouts to avoid excessive training or the lack there of. Meanwhile, the use of abdominal equipment is a joke.

It is not uncommon to see abdominal exercise machine and similar gadgets swear on false promises to give you those coveted "six-pack" abs.

No matter how much they parade around on late night TV, there simply is no substitute to a greatabdominal workout usingev eryday gym equipment.

Meanwhile, the use of abdominal equipment is a joke. It is not uncommon to see abdominal exercise machine and similar gadgets swear on false promises to give you those coveted "six-pack" abs.

No matter how much they parade around on late night TV, there simply is no substitute to a great abdominal workout using everyday gym equipment.

So don’t put yourself in the unenviable position of fiddling around cheap abdominal exercise equipment or those belts that "stimulate" your abdominal muscles using the minuscule power of two flashlight batteries.

However, having an effective abdominal routine can only be as better as your genetic configuration.

In spite of too, the best abdominal workout in the world is only relative to your body fat level.

You must have less than 8-10% body fat for your abs to emerge. For that reason, bodybuilders recommend a low-fat diet to attain those washboard abs.

An abdominal workout should be engaged in at least twice a week. You’ll be on your way with these abdominal exercises.

Bench crunches

Bench crunches are there to strengthen your upper abdominal muscles.

Lie on the floor with your feet raised on a bench, your legs bent at an approximate 90-degree angle. Position your hands at your temples or pointing in front, beside your legs.

Lift your head and shoulders toward your knees with a sit-up motion while simultaneously lifting your pelvic region.

Flex the abs hard at the top of the range of motion to attain maximal contraction and optimum benefits.

Avoid pulling on your head with the use of hands because you could end up straining your neck.

Exhale when contracting, remembering to keep the pace of the movement slow in order to maintain proper form.

Seated leg tucks
Seated leg tucks are a great abdominal exercise for training the lower abdominal muscles.

Then lift your knees toward your chest while keeping your lower legs pointed downwards. Flex your abs afterwards as hard as you can.

Cable crunches
Cable crunches are crucial in working out your oblique muscles, which are situated at each extreme of your abdominal muscles. Side-to-side crunches are also commendable since the weight can be adapted to individual strength level.

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