Bodybuilding Vitamin D

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Vitamins D

Did you know that Vitamin D in naturally found in our body? YES! You just have to go our and have a good sun exposure, the best Vitamin supplement, to have it functional.

The major biologic function of Vitamin D, a fat soluble Vitamin, is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.

This natural Vitamin promotes the body's absorption of calcium, which is essential for the maintenance and normal development of healthy bones and teeth.

So by promoting calcium absorption, Vitamin D actually helps to form and maintain strong bones as well.

Vitamin D also works in concert with a number of other Vitamins and minerals, and hormones to promote bone mineralization.

Sun exposure is perhaps the most important source of Vitamin D because it provides most humans with their Vitamin D requirement. UV rays from the sunshine trigger Vitamin D synthesis in skin.

Ten to fifteen minutes of sun exposure at least two times per week without sunscreen is usually sufficient to provide adequate Vitamin D.

It is very important for individuals with limited sun exposure to include good sources of Vitamin D in their diet or sometimes take Vitamin supplement.

Vitamin D is found in whole food Vitamin such as dairy products like cheese, butter, cream, fish, oysters, and margarine.

Fortified foods are common sources of Vitamin D such as fortified cereals and fortified milk.

Nutrient deficiencies are usually the result of dietary inadequacy, impaired absorption and utilization, increased requirement, or increased excretion (loss).

A deficiency of Vitamin D can occur when usual intake is below recommended levels, when there is limited exposure to sunlight, when the kidney cannot convert Vitamin D to its activeHormone form, or when someone cannot adequately absorb Vitamin D from the digestive tract.

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the major causes of osteoporosis in adults or rickets in children.

Excessive doses of Vitamin D, however, can result in increased calcium absorption from the intestinal tract. This may lead to elevated levels of calcium in the blood.

This may then cause calcium deposition in soft tissues such as the heart and lungs.

And this in turn can reduce their ability to function. Ingestion of too much Vitamin D can also cause kidney stones, vomiting, and muscle weakness.

For many people, consuming health food Vitamin and Vitamin D fortified foods and adequate sunlight exposure are essential for maintaining a healthy Vitamin D status since it can be difficult to obtain enough Vitamin D from natural food sources. For some people, Vitamin supplement, which can be bought in Vitamin stores, may be needed to meet the daily need for Vitamin D.


More Vitamins Info
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Vitamin E Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin K



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