Front Squat - Leg Exercise
In a nutshell,
a front squat is the reverse of a back squat.
Whereas in the back squat the weight is lifted
at the back, the weight is held across the upper
chest in the front squat. It dramatically shifts
the balance of the movement, as well as the placement
of the tension on your muscles.
a very commendable leg exercise, the front
squat is generally used to more effectively
target the quadriceps.
You are able to
maintain a more vertical torso position
since the weight is focused at the front
of the body.
As a result, this allows more
tension to be placed on the quads rather
than the glutes and lower back.
In spite
of, this leg and butt exercise requires
strong abdominals and shoulders in order
to keep the barbell properly racked across
the front of the shoulders.
The concept behind holding the bar on your shoulders
or front squat racking can be likened to holding
the broomstick in place without using your hands.
Begin this leg exercise by suspending the weight
across the pins in the power cage or rack, leveling
it at par with your collarbone or a bit lower.
Go under the weight in a way that it is sitting
about the base of your neck and then bring your
elbows up in front of you as high as you can.
Reach as high so that your upper arms are parallel
to the floor, in turn forming a break between
your shoulders and collarbone.
You have a choice between two methods of racking.
Clean-style rack
This version of leg and thigh exercise imparts
a wider support for the weight.
This is also known
as a clean grip, because this is the position
that the bar rests at in the top part of the Olympic
lift called the clean. It is a recommended leg
muscle exercise for people with flexible wrists
and shoulders. For al its credit though, it is
very difficult for those lacking elbow, wrist
and shoulder flexibility or for anyone who has
any trouble with those joints.
To do the clean grip anyway, jut your arms out
forward, palms down like a zombie from horror
Fold your hands back facing your face
and grip the bar. Palms then face upwards.
Crossed-arms style rack
Also referred to as the crossed-wrist grip, the
crossed-arms style of racking in a front squat
is executed by holding the bar with palms down
and wrists crossed.
It is a leg and thigh exercise
good for women.The bar, in this method, is placed across the
anterior deltoids and the elbows are pointed forward.
Forearms are crossed over directly in front and
the hands get a grip on the bar.In all, the crossed-arm grip is easier on the
joints of the upper body.
But it leaves you with
somewhat less control over the bar, with the added
risk that the bar also has a greater tendency
to roll back down into the throat.
Both racking styles pressure the rib cage –
in this way, it can cause you to run out of breath
before your legs are thoroughly worked. Such leg
extension exercise is sure to tone your leg muscles
and is an exercise to slim legs.